When I saw you snuggling
with your litter mates of three
Softly sweet and cuddly, too
My heart just melted
and grew and grew

"I'll be the first to hold him" we all agreed
So he would learn early on
his new Mommy was me!
You tagged along everywhere I went
even out of the house
Hidden, of course, in my shoulder bag
quiet as a mouse
But crowds gathered, creating such a craze

How could they not, just look at that face!
The fiercest of watchdogs, with all of your might
We laughed how you growled at
strange sounds in the night!

By my side in the garden, your favorite place to be
Running, digging, so thrilled to be free!
Not so cute and smelly here, like Pepé Le Pew

But a quick rinse in the sink...

And you're good as new!

The fruits of my labor you appreciated well
I love that you even went in for a smell

Another capture of my two favorite things
Bandit and daylilies...
how they make my heart sing!

Many pics I developed, held a surprise
To find you in the background

Just smiling a "HI!"

My heart is now heavy, many tears I'll cry
For you left without warning
without a goodbye

Peacefully resting now, I know we must part
You'll forever remain my little Bandit
biggest thief of my heart...

Bandit - RIP
May 2005 - November 2010