A cozy picture of Lacey, looking out at the pond. See that bear in the distance?

Here he is close up. Our pond protector! A carving we won from a raffle at the New Hampshire Craftsman's Fair back in August.

Pond? What pond? Our 11x16 pond is completely ice and snow covered. Well, except for the bubbler creating oxygen for the kois. Keep your fingers crossed for me that the family of 8 are all accounted for come April. And notice the little footprints leading to the water? They're not mine!

These dried ornamental grasses are pretty waving in the wind...

A sunflower...

...that's winter hardy!

A splash of red and pink glass...

Chasing a sunset a few days ago, I had to hit the brakes hard as 3 deer darted right in my path and as I looked up the hill, I saw a fourth. She was probably saying "hurry up, the view up here is amazing!". A heart racing moment, but, knowing me, I just went for the camera.

We all know how time crawls when we're staring at the clock, but, I can't help it...I'm starting my countdown for Spring! Just don't hit the snooze button!