There comes that certain time in Spring when the weather is just oh-so-perfect
and we can finally get out there and garden to our heart's content.
and we can finally get out there and garden to our heart's content.
The last two weeks have been that time for me. I finally felt that shift in the air (and in my bones), allowing me to work 10-hr.days yet still find enough adrenaline to keep going. Day in and day out. THIS is what we waited all winter for...right?!
Of course, it never fails that the more I accomplish, the more I STILL need to do, and it
becomes a vicious circle...but that's the nature of gardening, huh?
Believe me, I am not complaining! Since the installation of the deer fence (see last post), tulips have taken center stage in my garden in Springtime! April and May have never been more beautiful, and using my creativity for color combinations has been crazy fun!
And, come summer, growing daylilies has taken on a whole new level! So overjoyed with last year's display that I dared to apply and receive approval to become a Display Garden for the American Hemerocallis Society. What an honor!
My collection of daylilies have grown quiet a bit plus many new companion plants.
Yes, I know I have my work cut out for me but I am ready!
Bring. It. On!
If any of my blogging friends are within driving distance, please come visit me!
Dates will soon be announced.
Thanks for stopping and Happy Memorial Day!
becomes a vicious circle...but that's the nature of gardening, huh?
Yes, I know I have my work cut out for me but I am ready!
Dates will soon be announced.
Thanks for stopping and Happy Memorial Day!