Could it be possible?! September is here
already?! In a blink of an eye, August came sweltering in, coating us in icky, sticky humidity. Blissful for those who love the heat! Me, not so much...
And so unlike me to go a whole month without a post. Though in my defense, I was gone for a good two weeks of it. But, still, thinking I had plenty of time! You all know what THAT's like, I'm sure...
The pond continues to improve as plants mature to oxygenate and promote the perfect balance. Water is crystal clear and the kois now come out of hiding as they see our shadows...feeding time! Even these 'pesky' visitors are fun to watch as they come for their daily drink.

While neglectful on postings, I
do have tons of pics from the August file...

The last few roses in bloom...struggling in the heat. They are half the size of earlier blooms but I'll take it!

Love the markings on these phlox!

A rare black hollyhock...

I'm thrilled with how well these water lotuses are doing! A surprising second flush of blooms ;)

Hope everyone's garden have fared well this summer! Daylilies suffered a bit this season and the only color now in my landscape are Black-Eyed-Susans. But Mum season is upon us...another chance to bring back some color! Happy September, ALL!