Happy Daylight Savings Day!
My phone rang at 7am this morning. Caller ID: Mom. From California.
She'd totally forgotten to 'fall back' on the clock. So, what the heck was she
doing up at 5am...?!

Heading out for her daily pre-dawn walk. Good thing I'd been up for hours, reading. Yep, besides our love of gardening, Mom and I have insomnia in common.
My absence here has not been deliberate. I've tried numerous times to post but uploading photos with Blogger has been a pain! Any friends out there retired their
Blogger account for something faster, better?

There's so many more options now, besides Wordpress. I will need to do a little research...
One thing I will not complain about is the beautiful indian summer
we've had these past weeks in NJ. Summer blooms are still hanging in there. I mean, look at this pot of geraniums, still setting buds into November!
Vibrant hues of fall foliage have been quite spectacular, as well!

How will you spend your extra hour of daylight? Hopefully, I will finish my bulb planting, mulch, and tuck the garden in for the season.
If I could just stay awake til sunset....