...that's how I feel when I walk through my garden lately! All growth is at a standstill, and with it, my desire to blog :(
Surely, you can relate...Spring can't come soon enough!
I miss visiting the local nurseries (hi Leslie!) where I can spend hours upon hours just browsing.

Hard to believe it was just a month ago that these pansies were looking soo good. They'll probably be the first plants to sprout come April...So, April,
please come!!

And you know that I
truly and
deeply miss my daylilies!

I miss the sound of laughter and activity of kids in the garden...

...and insect life.

I know it's just barely the end of January, but anyone else sick and tired of Winter as I am?! I long for colorful views out my window...even at dusk.

And bright of day.

Em here enjoying the fruits of my labor...okay, technically, Zepherine Drouhin Rose ;) A favorite climber because it's thornless! And a fragrance that can make you drunk...don't we love that in a rose!

The only colors I'm capturing lately requires one to look up...

So what will it take for me to get my a** in gear and get into the mood to blog again? How about the upcoming flower and garden events that will surely fill up my February/March calendar. Friends, if you are planning on attending the Philadelphia Flower Show (scheduled for February 28 thru March 7th), please let me know. I would love to 'meet-up' with any and all of you! Overnight guests welcomed!
Off now for a 3-day stay in VT, where it's even colder! But it's a girl's dream SPA weekend, so I won't complain!
Have a great day, y'all :)