The new pond and it's inhabitants are thriving! Our school of 8 kois are still accounted for and getting big! Frogs, dragonflies, even the daily morning visits from the 4-legged creatures I'm always complaining about...all bring the pond to life and it's been so enjoyable. Maintenance have been minimal 'though full sun exposure evaporates the water level more quickly than I would like, but, that's easily fixed. Of course I won't tell you about the time I left the hose running for 8 straight hours....OOPS!
I'm soo in love with these water lotuses. In bloom now for two weeks, they are just the most beautiful flowers! Pale, almost translucent pink petals with a deep pink edging~they take my breath away...

Sturdy stems reaching almost 3ft., the blooms are about 6" when fully opened.

So wishing you could reach through and smell how sweetly scented they are!

Look at these cute little Forget-Me-Nots blooming at the waters' edge. Oh, but please don't look at the dead brown moss behind!


Up close...

...and personal. Maybe a little too personal.

Although the late varieties of daylilies are in bloom, the majority of these beauties have just plain tuckered out. The record breaking hot temps have quickened and shortened bloom season a good two weeks.

Ok, so don't be upset, but, as much as I'd looked forward to the heat of summer, I am now anxious for the coolness of fall. Hmmm...maybe a gentle slap is what I need to snap me out of it...right, Rene? ;)
Enjoy the last day of July!