Last Wednesday night, Amanda and I were heading off to the gym. It was 7:20 pm and as we were pulling out of the driveway, I commented, "This is weird!" The sun was shining but it was raining at the same time! As we drove to the end of our road, we saw a rainbow off in the distance. "Quick, grab my camera", I said. "Oh, Mom!" came the response. I
ALWAYS have my camera in my purse...Blogging Rule #1. While I drove, Mandy snapped a few shots for me over rooftops and telephone poles.
Suddenly, I swerved and took a hard right. "Are you crazy?!" She asked, rhetorically. Something made me take the detour! "I'm following that rainbow!" know what came next..."Aye-

A few more turns and we were at the crest of this road. And this is what we saw! The rainbow was directly over this church! I instantly teared up, as I know some you would have, too! After a few minutes and probably 50 photos..Rule #2, take LOTS of pictures...she was antsy and ready to go. Me...I wanted to hit the horn so everybody in the neighborhood would come out and see but DD wouldn't let me!! She did, however, admit to how COOL it was to see every spectrum of color so vividly!

And after a few more minutes of just sitting and admiring, we saw a double rainbow!

I know this wondrous view won't be repeating anytime soon so I'm truly thankful! By the time we got to the gym, the rainbows had faded...