Tuesday, February 24, 2009


As I look out my back deck today, it is very hard to imagine that all the brown, woody, tangled mess atop the arbor, will eventually green up, produce buds...and bloom the prettiest pink clematis you ever did see. This montana variety blooms for a good solid month and then sporadically throughout the summer. I don't prune it much as it's labeled under Group 1, but also because I can longer reach it! So for now, I wait patiently...and when the time is right, she'll come alive and be drop dead gorgeous. This is a view worth waiting for...

Another flower I'm anxiously awaiting is Dame's Rocket. I know...a weedy wildflower?! Two seasons ago, a corner of my garden was mysteriously filled with these phlox like purple blooms. It's from the mustard family and is considered invasive! I know you've seen it along highways. However, not knowing what it truly was until it bloomed, I LOVED the lavender shades (and white), and the added bonus was it's sweet fragrance! It blended so nicely with the peonies. But last spring, very few plants returned. What happened to those seeds I did not deadhead? Is it a biennial? I'm hoping new seedlings will return this year to grace my garden...it's a weed I won't mind keeping.

So Spring, come soon...I am SO ready!

Even my girls are anxious for hammock weather...


  1. Lynn- you have a beautiful yard. I am most anxious to see more of it in the coming months. I can't wait for spring either.

  2. That really is quite a clematis, I'd be anxious for it's return too! Spring can't get here fast enough for me.

  3. Hi Lynn, wowee kazowee! That is the most gorgeous Clemmie I have ever seen! I never know how to prune them so don't. Now I know to look for the Montana types, that is going on the wish list right now! Thanks!

    Also, would you please enable comments under name and url? It makes life much easier for us non blogger users.

  4. I love Dame's Rocket too! I have to plant it from seed every year because it just doesn't want to self-sow in my garden.

  5. yummy, yummy that clematis is fabulous I too can't wait to see more Miss Lynn...
    hugs, Cherry

  6. Thanks all for your visits and comments..Frances, this particular clematis is called Montana Rubens..smaller (2-3" flower) but it's a fast grower..I've had it for 7 years but it completely covered the arbor in about 4.

  7. Wow, my clematis never looked like that! Gorgeous photos. Glad I came across your site. I'll be back!

  8. Hi Lynn, is that Clematis montana Rubens? Oh, I've just seen in the comment above the name. I grow it in two places and it simply brings the garden to life in early spring!!! Love it, Alice

  9. Lynn, that is a homemade stepping stone in my Wordless Wednesday post. I made it at a Garden Club meeting once, and I'll be darned if I could ever remember how to do it myself!

  10. Hi Lynn, I'm in awe of your garden photos! You have done a gorgeous job! I love the lavender shades too; how nice that the wildflowers chose you! I hope they'll return again this year too;) I am so ready for spring...it's been a strange winter here. I went out 2 days ago and purchased a bunch of spring bulbs to plant right now--and guess what? We are getting snow like we haven't all year...and it's going to go on for the next 2 days! I would have preferred some at Christmas, or even in the last 2 months (other than 1 brief dusting, which was gorgeous:)
    Happy 1st day of March! Spring is almost here--snow, or no snow!!

  11. I was glad to get your comment on my blog. I had already put in to follow yours as I found you on blotanical. I noticed the same thing, we do have similar tastes. I loved your pics and laughed at the little dog in the flowers..he is sooo cute..looks like a little ewok..LOL I'm impressed at your energy and dedication for the indoor blooms..as winter seems to give me a reason to rest and I've never been much good at the indoor stuff myself. I have just recently begun to realize that I'm enjoying daylillies, I couldnt' grow them in Florida and am just now beginning to say..hmmmm...I really like those. Though I only have a couple, no where near your collection..LOL I'll be stopping in often to see what your up to.

  12. In the top photo, the hammock looks like an idyllic spot to relax and enjoy the clematis blooms, a private, perfumed retreat.

  13. Lynn, birds may be eating the seeds of your Dames' Rocket, especially the Goldfinches.

  14. Robin, I've always wanted to make those stones (with the kids) but I remember the kits costing around $20 and you only get one so never got around to it.
    Jan, I woke up to about 6" of the white stuff and it's still coming! Pretty but a lot of digging out now!
    Rhonda, I've always thought Bandit looked like an ewok, too, especially when he was a pup and I carried him around in a shoulder bag..lol.
    Barbee, so the birds are the culprit! Well, they brought them in so hopefully they bring some back.
    Thanks all you wonderful gardeners for your interest and friendship!


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